Earth Day- April 2023

Earth day is celebrated every year on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection and highlighting initiatives and ideas for conservation of our planet. Earth is like a mother nurturing and giving us in abundance and it’s our turn to give back. We can all be making small efforts at individual level to help conserve our planet. This year for Earth day 2022, Corran’s came together to share some of the ideas which they have incorporated in their day to day lives along with the some pictures and hope this gives you all inspiration on changes you can bring about. 

  1. Use reusable bags for grocery shopping. Always bring a backpack/bag when you step out for shopping or any small purchases.
  2. Use reusable products like cloth pads instead of cotton, silicon ear buds, handkerchiefs, reusable straws.
  3. Purchase sustainable products as much as possible.
  4. Recycle your cardboard (especially if you are a frequent online shopper). 
  5. Separating recyclable waste and non-recyclable waste. Follow this strictly by using designated bins in your house. 
  6. Use reusable bottles when you travel.
  7. Reduce single use plastic consumption by opting for bar soap instead of pump bottles. You could even opt for bar shampoo and bar dish soaps. 
  8. Carpooling as much as possible when traveling places
  9. Use the cycle or walk when it is possible or use public transport for travelling. 
  10. Use energy efficient vehicles.
  11. Buy/sell/trade secondhand furniture and home decor within community. 
  12. Grow some of your own produce in your backyard or a small plot if possible.
  13. Planting indoor Plants
  14. Replace all lightbulbs with LED equivalent.
  15. Buy smart appliances (lights) and set a routine for them to be automatically shut off.
  16. Turn off lights and monitor when not in use. 
  17. Promote safe areas for pollinators.
  18. Check local Facebook “Freecycle” or “Buy Nothing” groups for lightly used items including children’s toys.
  19. Don’t use plastic wrap unless necessary.
  20. Beach cleanup as a group
  21. Don’t google everything searches consume Pc power + server power.
  22. Buy shelf products like pasta, sauces etc. in cardboard or glass containers vs plastic if possible.

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