India Republic Day- Did You Know?

India is a diverse country with a rich cultural heritage. There are tons to learn about the culture of India,On the occasion of India’s republic day our india team participated and shared some fascinating facts that you probably didn’t know:

  • India Holds a Festival That Is Visible From Space

Kumbh Mela is a national festival held about once every 12 years. The festival is a pilgrimage taking place over four river-bank sites: the Allahabad, Haridwar, Nashik, and Ujjain. At each location, participants take a ritual dip in the waters. In Indian culture, people believe that the religious ritual of taking a swim will “wash their sins away.” 

The festival itself is massive, with some years seeing as many as 100 million participants making the pilgrimage. Satellites in space captured the festival.

  • Home to the Most Post Offices in the World

India is currently home to 154,965 post offices. The postal service in India has been running for over 150 years. It is considered the most widely distributed postal network worldwide.

India even has a “floating post office.” The floating post office stands on a houseboat located in Srinagar in beautiful Dal Lake. 

  • The Hindu Calendar Recognizes 6 Seasons

Unlike most calendars which recognize four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter), the Hindu calendar has six seasons. The spring season is called Vasant Ritu. The summer season is called Grishma Ritu, and the monsoon is Varsha Ritu. Then there is autumn, which is Sharad Ritu, and pre-winter, which is called Hermant Ritu. Winter is known as Shita Ritu or Shishir.

  • The National Beverage of India Is Tea

Tea is so beloved in India that it’s often considered the first beverage many people consider, even before water. India is nearly unmatched in tea production, single-handedly providing the world with around 30% of its tea. India is the second-largest tea producer in the world. Much of the tea produced is consumed within the country.

  • India Was the First to Mine Diamonds 

During ancient times, India was the only place one could find diamonds. India was the first and only country to find and mine diamonds until the 1720s when Brazil discovered diamonds. Since the 1900s, diamond mining in India died down as other countries hit upon rich veins of diamonds. India still has existing industrial mines that make up a small part of the worldwide diamond industry. 

  • India Invented Yoga

India is the birthplace of Yoga, the physical and spiritual discipline focused on bringing harmony to mind and body. Today, many people view yoga as purely physical exercise, but its origins are much more spiritual. It was considered a discipline that encompassed mind, body, culture, and religion. Traditional yoga focuses on meditation and the release of earthly attachments. 

  • The ABCs Are India’s Most Popular Entertainment 

India’s most popular entertainment is crucial to its culture and is pretty different from the fare of other countries. India’s entertainment is sometimes cited as the “ABCs:”  Astrology, Bollywood, and Cricket. Astrology is a beloved hobby of many in the country.

  • Around 70% of the world’s spices come from India

India is by far the largest producer of spices, which are shipped across continents to restaurants and kitchens worldwide. Some of the best-known spices are turmeric, cumin, saffron, and chili powders.

  • The Amritsar Golden Temple serves free meals….for thousands

The Amritsar Golden Temple is one of the most dazzling architectural monuments in India, but it is also a site of generosity and compassion. This Sikh temple is open to people of all religions. Every day, it serves a simple vegetarian meal, often to over fifty thousand people. What’s even more impressive is that almost all the ingredients are donated.

  • India was the first country to refine and consume sugar

If you have a sweet tooth, you have India to thank for it. India was the first place were sugar was extracted, refined, and used in cooking – although once people got a taste of the delicious stuff, sugar production quickly spread around the world.

  • The steel wires in the Bandra Worli Sealink could stretch around the world

Completed in 2010, the incredible Bandra Worli Sealink bridge required 90,000 tons of cement to build. To hold that all up, enormous steel cables – each with the ability to hold up 900 tons of weight – were put in place along the bridge.If they were laid out end to end, the cables could reach around the circumference of the globe.

  • People Relate Fasting with Religious Practice

This is a part of Indian culture. Whether you are celebrating Navratri or it is the holy Ramzaan month, people keep fast to acquire salvation. It is a belief in restraining yourself from attaining your desire and worshipping the almighty with all your devotion.

Not only the common people, but legends like Mahatma Gandhi used to consider fasting as one of the major methods to release oneself from bodily constraints. Fasting is not always about skipping food completely, but there are certain recipes in every religion that are cooked in homes during any fasting and people enjoy it together.

  • One of the Oldest City Is Located in India

 We are talking about Varanasi. It is believed that the city was created by Lord Shiva long ago before Lord Brahma created the universe. As per history, this city dates back to 11BC and is considered the home of Lord Shiva. The Kashi Vishwanath Temple has seen changes in the world and it has also gone through several changes.

With more than 2000 temples and numerous ghats, Varanasi is also considered one of the holiest cities in India where you can get salvation. Millions of people all over the world visit the city to get a touch of ancient Indian culture.

  • India Is the Country of Sages

We belong to a country where the two epics were created by two great sages of all time. While the Ramayana was written by Rishi Valmiki, it was Rishi Ved Vyas who created the Mahabharata. Apart from that, India has seen several sages and saints throughout its civilization, and till now, we have regard for the holy men. The simple clothes, deadlocks, and the peaceful eyes of the sages can revive you and show you the right path in life.

  • A village with no locks and doors may be the safest on Earth

The village of Shani Shingnapur is famous for not having a door or lock on a single house. Beyond that, there has not been a recording of a criminal act for almost 400 years. Many people think that the shared vulnerability has created a neighborly trust between the residents, which has formed a protection stronger than a deadbolt or heavy gate.

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